Sunday, 23 June 2019

Aroha 6: Exploring basic chemistry: Does oil and water mix together?

In support of our Mad Science inquiry,  Aroha 6 took interest of exploring basic chemistry in which we experimented with canola oil and water and used materials such as test tubes, a drop of food colouring per tube and plastic spoons. 

As part of being a Science explorer we learnt to ask questions, form a hypothesis,  test our hypothesis,  record our hypothesis and come to a conclusion...

In conclusion to our science experience 
"Does oil and water mix together?"

The answer is " No!"

Oil and water experiment explanation: 
What is happening?
There are a lot of interesting things to note during this science experiment.
Aroha 6 discovered that oil and water do not mix. Even if you shake the test tube the oil will immediately separate from the water as soon as it settles. Oil molecules are attracted to other oil molecules so they stick together. The same goes for water molecules….. so they just don’t mix – they are immiscible.
We also observed  the oil always floats on top of the water because the oil has a lower density than water. 

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