Sunday, 10 March 2019

Team Aroha: Room 6: It is swimming time. Wahoo!!!

In support of physical education and health, every even week from 1.45pm to 2.15pm,  Aroha 6 are provided the learning opportunity to explore and gain confidence and competence in the pool environment.  
Today a few of Aroha 1 learners excitedly joined us. It is always an awesome feeling building on our tuakana teina relationships.  Together we learnt to follow simple instructions about pool safety such as learning the Rowandale pool rules and how to enter and exit the pool safely using the ladder.   Followed by slowly walking alongside the edges and hanging onto the rails inside the pool.  We sure had a lot of fun learning alongside each other including submersion and breath control through the surface.  We definitely can't wait for our next swimming sessions... 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like everyone was looking forward to get into the pool. I bet they all enjoyed it.
