Sunday, 20 October 2019

Aroha 6: Celebrating Diwali and Niue language week!

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Namaste , Fakaalofa lahi atu 
Rowandale family and friends. 
Here is a sneak peek of celebrating Diwali and Niue language week.  Beginning with our opening ceremony, the raising of the flags of India and Niue along with listening and learning interesting facts about these countries shared by some of our  brilliant students.    

Wow! To end our celebrations we had the closing ceremony which we all captured amazing performances from the Niuean and Indian groups followed by having a delicious shared lunch with our families in each classroom...

Thank you to our Rowandale staff, family and community who worked endlessly to  make this week so special...

Thank you  Aroha 6 for participating in this weeks celebrations and showing your PRIDE values...

Aroha 6: Welcome back Aroha 6 we missed you all!

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Welcome back Aroha 6,  hope everyone had an exciting safe holiday break spent with your fanau and friends.   It is now week one, term four and we are back into having fun learning together,  helping our people grow...

In support of our health and physical education plan,  every Friday's we are provided the opportunity to  participate in dance lessons lead by a fantastic staff member from the Footsteps dance company.  There are 5 dance elements implemented throughout this programme. 
This week we learnt the dance move called " Hot! Hot!" which links to the element called "Time !"

 Aroha 6 sure had fun dancing to the beat and staying in time ...

For more info click on the below:

Being Turtle safe with Stan

It is earthquake drill time ...

As part of our school's earthquake drill. 
We learnt to get into a turtle shell position to  DropCoverHold.  Reason being it stops you  from being knocked over, makes you a smaller target for falling and flying objects, and protects your head, neck and vital organs. DROP down on your hands and knees. ... HOLD on to your shelter (or your position to protect your head and neck) until the shaking stops. 

Well done Aroha 6 you all remained calm and followed simple instructions.
 " Keep it up!"

Click on the link to be Turtle safe: