Monday, 20 May 2019

Aroha 6: Celebration time! Pink shirt Day! Reading eggs winner and alot more!!!!

Congratulations Aroha 6 for winning the school Reading eggs Award. Awesome team effort, keep up the fantastic reading with your family and friends.  Thank you all for trying your best and using your PRIDE values. Well done!

Congratulations Josiah for receiving our PRIDE certificate " Respect" Keep it up!


Wait there's more...

In support of Bully Free New Zealand day. Rowandale wore pink shirts or something close enough to it and fundraised $324.80c

Today as part of Aroha 6's Maths warm up was working together in their maths groups by counting until the music stopped playing followed by counting backwards and skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Keep up the good counting Aroha 6,   maybe at home you can share with your family your numeracy skills by helping set the dinner table along with counting the knives and forks...

Monday, 13 May 2019

Aroha 6: Science explorers

As part of our Inquiry plan exploring " Mad Science" based on the physical world of Science.  In support of this Aroha 6 excitedly learnt about the five tools that help us explore the world around us being your sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. To put this all into practice we went on a Nature walk in the afternoon.  We discovered and experienced that our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin gather a lot of information about our surrounding environment. We sure had fun using our 5 senses to draw the things that we can see, hear, touch, smell and the things you should not taste around our school grounds into our books. We totally enjoyed sitting down, taking turns to share and hear everyone's great ideas.  
Well done Aroha 6 Science explorers!

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Aroha 6:Celebration time! Principals Award!

We have come to the end of Week one and we are celebrating successful achievements with our Rowandale whanau.

Congratulations Pratik for receiving Aroha's Principal award.

Congratulations Izrael for receiving the Aroha 6's PRIDE Participation certificate.

" Ka rawe to mahi nga korua"  
Keep up the awesome work!

Aroha 6: Welcome back Aroha 6! It is Term 2

Aroha 6

We are now in Term 2 and having lots of fun learning and sharing new ideas through exploring within the curriculum areas such as writing, reading, maths and information technology. 

Welcome to our new students Josiah and Aaria-Mei that have started this week with us. It is great to see you both making new friends, enjoying constructive building and problem solving amongst your peers...

Fa'afetai tele lava Niah and family for the lovely surprise.  I will cherish this special gift made from the beautiful Islands of Samoa. Hope you enjoyed your quality time overseas with your family. 

This term Aroha 6 has been introduced to our new Rowandale  Safe Zone area,  situated right outside of Aroha 6. We encourage all our tamariki when you cannot find a duty teacher to express your feelings to and need assistance asap or you feel unsafe you can come to the " Safe zone " area. There will be two peer mediators available to hear your voice and assist you in the best way possible.